


I've been fortunate to not catch many of the many sicknesses going around my school, but I did wake up with a sore throat, stuffy head & aches this morning. For me this is the normal cold that usually leads to a sinus infection or allergy something...either way, it's not fun that I had to miss Journey Church this morning. Thankfully we have a live feed now and I was able to watch the service on my computer. Jimmy has been preaching a series called "LIFE" the past few weeks and today, he talked about surrender. Something that I think a lot of Christians struggle with. Too bad we can't all just be like Paul, he was the perfect example of how we SHOULD surrender to the Lord.

Jimmy mentioned that "Becoming like Jesus is not a deed, it's a death. It's not about trying it's about dying!!" What truth! Matt & I are preparing to enter a new phase of our life together as we will be welcoming our little girl into the world in July. (YES! OUR LITTLE GIRL, WE FOUND OUT YESTERDAY THANKS TO MY MOM'S OFFICE FOR DOING AN ULTRASOUND A FEW WEEKS EARLY) We've got a lot of adjustments to make as we prepare and we've been praying for God to show us what he wants us to do. It's so easy to say we've surrendered these "plans" to God, but I know that I still worry about how a lot of things will play out. Keep us in your prayers and that we would totally surrender to the Lord and let him work things out in HIS time, not ours...which is what we're struggling with.

Happy Sunday!



Ramblings of an Icy Day

Well...we didn't get snow, but we did get ice. A lot of ice....(Not really a picture of ice in my backyard...but it's a pretty picture) I've been a picture taker slacker late. :)

This morning I actually woke up at the Uhler's house because we did a little emergency baby sitting of the twins last night. It was nice to wake up at 6:30 this morning to see that Wake County Schools were closed. I got up when I wanted, spent some time with two of our best friends, ate a wonderful breakfast, & enjoyed their sweet little babies. Once we actually were able to get out & head to our house I knew I needed to get some stuff done today. Unfortunately most of my day was spent doing school work, and I am no where near finished...but I did get some other things done as well. Finally got my everyday house decorations back out after putting up all of our Christmas stuff over the weekend, I cleaned my house, and got caught up on some reading in Genesis. Quad girls, I can't lie...I'll admit I got behind last week after our coffee date. School took all I had last week...NOT a good excuse, but I definitely won't be getting behind again once I get caught up. :)

Lately I've been really fatigued (1st trimester), but I'm coming out of it and headed into what everyone says will be a great 2nd trimester. I can feel my energy coming back and I'm soooo excited to actually get stuff accomplished.

As much as I hate making up snow days, today was very productive and honestly, I could use another day to get some other things done...maybe Saturday, I would prefer to NOT have to make up tomorrow as well.

Enough ramblings...I'm off to prepare myself to enjoy my Christmas present with my hubby & the Uhler's tonight. THE LION KING!!!!


I don't make New Year's Resolutions...

I don't make New Year's Resolutions...I know, I'm a party pooper. I just always feel like I end up trying for a few days & never get very far. So I have a few things I'd like to do this year, but they goals for the year & I'm not going to try to do them all at once.

If you're interested...
1. I'd like to read through the bible this year. This is something I've never done. I'm in a triad (well...a quad) with women from my church & we're doing this together. I'm excited to get to know 3 other women that love Jesus and that I don't know very well. I am also excited to explore the bible in a new way and let God teach me as I go. I know this will be a great challenge for me. I've already learned something...did you know that Adam lived to be over 900 years old...WHOA! I can't imagine. Talk about seeing the Lord work!

2. I want to spend more time doing things I love to do around the, baking, finding cheap ways to redecorate, cleaning (yes..I love to keep my house together. As a teacher, I don't get to do this very often. Matt does A LOT of house work), & being a wife. (And of course I'll get to learn to be a good mommy this year too!)

3. Make more time to relax. Our dear pastor's wife, Beverly, always gives me a hard time for not relaxing enough. Rightfully so, she knows best. I SHOULD take time to relax. I'm always on the go & I never take time to read, watch movies, take a bubble bath, drink a cup of coffee on the porch...all the stuff that I would like to do, but never take time to stop.

4. Be a better wife, a Godly wife. With Matt working a new job this year (or a different job with a VERY different schedule) I'm still learning how to be the best support that I can, I'm always looking for new ways to love him, and be the best wife I can be.

I know this kind of seems like a lot considering I just said I want to spend more time reading my bible & that I want to spend more time doing things around our house. I didn't say I want to be perfect at any of this, but I want to do better at all of them.