

Whoa! A Month?

It's been a month since I blogged last, but it has been a whirlwind of a month. Since then...
I've started back to school
We've moved into our new space at church

Been to Kannapolis for a few football games

Spent time with both sides of our family

Decorated my house for fall

Celebrated 3 friends engagements





Needless to say, I haven't had time for blogging on this site, nor have we had time to update our Matt & Magan site. (It hasn't been updated since June...)

God's been teaching me about simplifying my life recently. Focusing more on him & his will than on material things & my life. I spend so much time on facebook and things that don't really matter than I do reflecting, reading & worshiping. This fall I want to shift my focus a little bit. Pray for me, hopefully I'll spend more time reflecting on the things that matter than wasting my time on things that really don't matter. I look forward to taking more time to rest & reflect on his work, my family, and building relationships. I'm not good at goal setting, because I'm a creature of habit...this is going to be a HUGE challenge for me, but I really feel led to make this change.

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