

End of a Journey, Beginning of a New One

My blogging during maternity leave has been a little more sporadic than I wanted it to be & my Friday Flashbacks didn't happen as I wanted them to, but nevertheless today seems like a good blogging day. I feel like I have a lot to write about this morning, my quiet time turned into some reflecting time. I'm not good at sharing my thoughts aloud, but I can sure write about it...maybe a bad trait to have, but I'm working on it.

Today is what seems like the end of a journey for me. You see, 11 months ago I found out I was pregnant and honestly, I wasn't thrilled at first. I was kind of confused as to why God would give me another life to care for so soon after having Laney & going back to work (after thinking I was just going to be a stay at home mom).  I didn't think Matt & I would be able to handle it. Today I can honestly say I don't know what I would do without our little blessing, Benjamin. My pregnancy with him and the time I have had at home with him has completely rocked my world...Jesus, once again has rocked my world. I'm not a crier...I'm not, but I'm in tears as I write this post. God is good and knows whats best for me and I'm so thankful for that. I'm glad I'm not in control. He's changed my perspective on so many things that I don't think I could possibly write about all of them in 1 blog post. I am grateful and I'm feeling so overwhelmingly blessed this morning.

I go back to work next week and Ben goes to "school," as we call it around here. It's been an amazing journey, these past 11 months. But it's really just the beginning of what God has in store for me, as I feel like a new person. Well, like myself again for the 1st time in 4 years.  This year has been a pivotal time in my life.  I've been letting him really work on me, especially for the past 8 weeks. I've decided to turned this 1 time blog post into a series of posts that I'll share over the next several days to celebrate me going back to work, the next part of my journey. Maybe someone will be able to relate and maybe God will use my story to change someone else's life. If not, that's okay too...he's changed my life and I'm grateful that I can get it on paper (or on my blog) as a way to remember.

I'll be back soon with a little history of why I needed to allow God do a little "boot camp" in my life during my maternity leave. For now, Ben's crying...time for some snuggles! 

1 comment:

The Via Colony said...

Excited to read more! I LOVE how you have allowed God to refine and mold your life and heart to be more like him. A beautiful reflection:) Glad to call you, friend!