

A Must Read...

Hello Blog's been a while. I've haven't successfully kept up with my blog since I became a mom, but I'd like to fix that soon.

While I haven't had much time for blogging, I've still tried to keep up with blog of a few close friends. One of which, is by my friend Tasha, which if you follow me on twitter or your friends with me on my dear friend who went through a very long process and lots of struggles to get their sweet adopted daughter, Alethia,  home from Uganda a few months ago. Last week Tasha wrote a blog post that really encouraged me and I don't think she would mind if I share it...She wrote about having "her time" in the mornings...spending time with the Lord and doing whatever else her little heart desires before her children are awake. She wrote about Jesus two greatest commands given to his God, which means getting to know him personally AND love your neighbor as yourself. I don't want to take away from Tasha's blog, but basically she helped me realize that I can't love other people on a daily basis if I'm not taking time to love myself...have "me time" along with my Jesus time everyday. This means I have to get up at 5:30 in the mornings, so that I can have an hour to myself before we get Laney up and going for the day. This is HUGE for me, but I know it would make all the difference in the world in the way I love Matt, Laney and all of the other people I come in contact with everyday...

Now...go read Tasha's blog and see how wonderful of a writer she is and just maybe you'll be inspired too!

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