This weekend was no exception to our busyness because I had to do April meal prep, and Matt had some extra work that had to be done at Journey Saturday and Sunday.
Friday, we had a babysitter and a date night. We left here at 5:30 on Friday evening with zero clue as to what we were going to do because we hadn't had time to plan anything. Matt drove without really even thinking about where we'd go, and we ended up downtown at Chuck's. Chuck's is our favorite burger restaurant downtown. We ordered our favorite burgers and fries (all homemade with dipping sauce), and I broke my no soda rule (been trying to stay away from them) with a glass bottle Cheerwine. Afterwards we headed to Jubala (our favorite coffee shop) over by NC State. We enjoyed our favorite lattes and walked around Hillsborough Street to catch up on life. With things being so crazy lately, there hasn't been time for sharing deep thoughts. It was so nice to be able to have a conversation about what God's teaching us, where our heads are, and what's going on without little voices interrupting (we do love our kids...promise).
Saturday after breakfast I spent some really sweet time with the Lord while enjoying the rain on our front porch. The rest of Saturday was spent calendar syncing with Matt, April meal planning, grocery shopping, and squeezing in a nap for the kids. Matt spent most of his day at the church working on a project that had to be finished before Sunday services. When the kids woke up from their nap we headed to Lowes to purchase things for our very first little herb garden. I have NO clue what I'm doing, but we're excited to give it a shot. We bought our favorite herbs (not starting from scratch this year since I'm a beginner), and the necessities to get our little garden started. The kids also enjoyed some tractor time while were there.
Saturday night we hung out with friends from our early Journey days and enjoyed catching up on life. We were out super late, and Matt didn't get to join us until 10:00, but we had a really great time.
I'm not really sure why I felt compelled to write a public post about our weekend, but I do know that it sure does help me realize how grateful I am for my sweet little family and the life God has given us. While I feel like we're still in the midst of a storm, I can say that God certainly has blessed me in so many ways. Tonight, as I prepare for another week of teaching/momming/wifing, my heart is full and my blessings are overflowing. God is good friends. In the midst of chaos, in the midst of the unknown...His love is unending, His grace is sufficient, and He is constant!
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