

Fighting a Battle

It's been one of those weeks, you know...where you wish you could just twinkle your nose and get through it...I knew it was going to be a busy week and I thought I was prepped but goodness! We have connect party this coming Sunday, which is a pretty big event at our church. I have a huge responsibility in doing a lot of prep work to make the night happen. In order to make this week go smoothly, I did some extra prep work last Friday (which is normally my day off) and even though I have a lot to do this week, I chose to take Monday off to get my house back in order after a crazy week last week so that my husband could fly solo with the kids when needed. I had a plan and I thought I was ready to knock this crazy week out...

As soon as I got to Journey yesterday it all started...I had to make a change to the book I needed to print 1,000 copies of in just 3 days. That threw the copier off, which turned into 2 hours of wasted print time. My wonderful hubby finally got me up and going about 1:00, only to realize at 4:30 yesterday afternoon that I had been printing with several errors (that in my panic to get my copies going totally missed.) Lets just say that by the time I got home last night I was DONE for the day.

When my feet hit the ground this morning, I began praying over my day...over my family, over the copy machine at Journey and over the many tasks that needed to be accomplished. Matt took the kids to school this morning and I got to Journey at 9:00, double checked my book and set the machine to print. I was on a roll until I got a text from our sitter that Laney had a 102 fever, REALLY? My poor baby being sick is never a good thing, but THIS week? Attack. That's what I felt...Satan was trying to get me all upset and freaked out. Trying to feed me lies that I wouldn't get everything done for this party, that I always make huge mistakes and there's probably someone better that can do my job, someone who is more efficient and that most of all I was a bad mom because my husband had to go get Laney. I immediately wanted to freak out and then was quickly reminded that none of this was true...God had this. Scripture says NOTHING is too hard for the Lord (Jeremiah 32:17) and that with Him all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)... that means my tasks for this week, my child being sick and my time being limited.

In Ephesians 6, scripture talks about putting on the full armor of God so that we can withstand the enemy. It's so important that we do this daily. Tomorrow is a new day and I might face challenges and more set backs, but you know what? I'm okay with that. The battle has already been won, the enemy has been defeated. I know that no matter what I face this week, our connect party will happen Sunday night. I know that God already has a plan for the people that will attend and He will get the glory. I don't know what you're dealing with this week, but if you are a child of God He has already won your battles. Are you giving Him your struggle this week or are you listening to lies and stumbling over obstacles from the enemy?

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